The Octave Day of Christmas, the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, is a holy day of obligation. In the modern Roman Calendar only Christmas and Easter enjoy the privilege of an octave. According to the previous (1962) liturgical calendar, today is the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord, also known as the Circumcision of Our Lord.
“Mary, the all-holy ever-virgin Mother of God, is the masterwork of the mission of the Son and the Spirit in the fullness of time. For the first time in the plan of salvation and because his Spirit had prepared her, the Father found the dwelling place where his Son and his Spirit could dwell among men. In this sense the Church’s Tradition has often read the most beautiful texts on wisdom in relation to Mary. Mary is acclaimed and represented in the liturgy as the ‘Seat of Wisdom.’” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 721)
The Mass schedule for the Holy Day on New Year’s is as follows.
Mary, the Mother of God (Vigil): December 31 • 5:30 p.m. at St. James the Apostle
Cantor and Organ
Mary, the Mother of God (Mass during the Day): January 1
• 9:00 a.m. at St. James the Apostle
Cantor and Organ
• Noon at St. Elizabeth
Cantor and Organ
To learn more about how to gain a plenary indulgence on New Year's Day, CLICK HERE.