Renewal in Christ, our young adult and college ministry, is relaunching with a new weekly format on Tuesday, October 1. This FREE opportunity is available to parishioners and guests that are between the ages of 18-29 and are seeking connection with others their age in the faith.
On Tuesdays from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., this ministry will gather in the St. James Rectory, 5804 Sheridan Rd. Park in the main parking lot and enter through the green steel door to the right of the garage doors.
The new “come when you can” weekly format will prioritize prayer, fellowship, learning, and spiritual growth, which will include smaller studies and workshops. Additionally, the schedule of events coincides with local college calendars.
To receive text and email updates in addition to the official calendar, please join our Flocknote group by CLICKING HERE.
We look forward to seeing familiar friends and new faces as we begin the year!