Please welcome Fr. Craig Richter, who was ordained at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist on May 18, to the Downtown Kenosha Catholic community.
Fr. Craig will be living in the St. Elizabeth Rectory while serving the southern Racine parishes of Saint Sebastian, Saint Lucy, Saint Richard, Saint Edward, Saint Patrick, Sacred Heart, Saint Joseph, and Saint John Nepomuk in his first assignment as Associate Pastor.
While Fr. Craig's new priestly assignment does not go into effect until June 18, you will soon see him in our midst as he prepares to move into his new residence in the St. Elizabeth Rectory.
As a reminder, since the rectory garage can only accommodate the parking of one vehicle at this time, Fr. Craig will also require unfettered access (24/7) to one of the staff parking spots in the St. Elizabeth courtyard lot. These designated spots are reserved only for staff and should not be used as "extra" parking for handicap stalls or by non-staff or clergy. Thank you for your cooperation!
To learn more about Fr. Craig, click here to read his interview while in seminary on