The Mass stipend has been set to $20.00 by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee effective July 1, 2024.
You can schedule Masses via email ([email protected]) or by calling 262-657-1156, ext. 3.
Please provide the names of the individual(s) as well as any date/time preferences from our Mass schedule. Kindly indicate whether the individual(s) is/are living or deceased. Additionally, indicate if you would like to be contacted with the scheduled Mass dates/times when requesting Masses.
Mass stipends may be paid online or via cash/check in the DTKC office (by appointment). If paying by check, it should be made payable to St. Elizabethas there is only one account used for Mass stipends — even if the Mass is offered at the St. James campus.
While we make every attempt to fulfill people's requests, please allow up to 5-10 business days to process Mass intentions. Thank you.